Developing businesses which protect and foster human health as well as safety.
Creating an enterprise that enhances individual spiritual richness.
Operating businesses that preserve the natural environment.
Any company exists in society. Its basis of existence
is to solve social concerns, discontents and inconveniences.
The foundation that a company can exist depends on
"if and how contributing to the society." We keep our presence by
demonstrating the contribution to the society in a reasonable way.
1. Acting with considering customer satisfaction as the first priority.
2. Contributing to whole society and the community as a good-reputed enterprise and corporate citizen.
3. Respecting human rights, organizing comfortable work environment and maintaining employee’s health.
4. Complying to laws, regulations and rules together with having high ethical standards in the business operations.
5. Conducting business activities with considering global and local life environment conservation.
6. Not having relationship with antisocial forces and groups in any circumstances and cases.
7. Supervising and controlling properly the information related to trade and individual privacy handled in our business operation.
8. Working fairly and honestly such as conforming to laws and regulations.
1. Aiming for harmonizing with global environment conservation by understanding the impact of our products and business continuity to the circumstance, and promoting the action to prevent environmental pollution.
2. Complying to laws, regulations and other requirements related to environmental protection.
3. Conducting following improvement activity and get all our employees understand following important actions aiming for preventing environmental pollution.
- Promoting paper-less circumstance and procedure.
- Energy saving.
- Waste (garbage) reduction.
- Recycling resources.
Establishing relationship of trust with the stakeholders by the cooperation aiming to mutual benefit and prosperity. Fulfilling CSR through conducting such procurement activity with following elements considered.
1. Establishment of cooperate system complying to laws and regulations,
and social moral standard.
An organization conforming to national and local legislation, and also rules.
・Compliance to the laws and regulations, and respect to individual culture and customs. Understanding international, country-by-country and regional differences in legislation, history, culture and habits. Complying and respecting those.
・Against anti-social forces and/or organizations. Corresponding organizationally and systematically with the firm and uncompromising attitude to the powers considered to disturb the order and/or safety of society and citizens.
・Information security and disclosure.
Strictly controlling protections of individual private information and confidentiality such as trade secrets from disclosure, and usage of them.
Conforming to the insider trading regulation, and not conducting the action suspected as the insider by the third party.
・Social contribution activity Devoting to contribute the sustainable growth society internationally and locally as a corporate citizen.
2. Quality and safety assurance to the product(s) purchased and sold.
・Securing safety of raw material and product Making sure the procured and purchased goods adequately quality-controlled, together with checking the safety of each commodity.
・Proper labelling with verified information. Collecting information related to raw material safety, quality and specification. Keeping record correctly, and expressing the information properly.
3. Fair and orderly trade.
・Supplier(s) and buyer(s) to be chosen through the comprehensive evaluation to quality, cost, trade history, creditability and etc.
・Unfair profit-sharing prohibition. Not offering any gifts and reception (entertainment) as judged to be improper by the third party.
・No dominant bargaining position abuse. Always dealing fairly and orderly with the other companies.
4. Respect to human rights.
Honoring and respecting international standards and criteria related to human rights.
・Fair employment and treatment. Hiring and treating employees properly based on the national and local laws and regulations. It includes payment, education and performance evaluation, and prohibition of discriminatory treatment and harassment for the individual gender, age, nationality, religion, belief, disability, sexual orientation and etc.
・No abusive employ practices and child labor. Forced and/or child labor to be prohibited. Checking and confirming every job applicant is voluntary, and suitably aged.
・Respect to the right to organize and freedom of association. Honoring individual right and freedom of the employee as above based on the national and local legislations.
5. Occupational safe and health
Maintaining the environment which each employee can work safe and without any concern.
・Assurance of healthy work circumstance. Dedicating to maintain safe and healthy workplace by complying to the national and local labor-related laws and regulations.
・Employee training and education.
Educating employee for the occupational safe and health to prevent occupational accident(s). Creating the work environment which any employees can talk and/or discuss the matter in workplace.
Conducting education and/or training every employee to develop individual occupational ability, with the aim to create environment which anyone can perform actively.
・Prevention of overwork. Protecting employees from overworking by conforming to the national and local laws and regulations.
6. Responsibility to global environment.
Devoting to reduce environmental burden following KTT Corporation Environmental Policy aiming for the sustainable society realization.
・Sales promotion and procurement of eco-friendly product(s). Dedicating to choose, promote to sell and purchase environmentally-conscious product(s).
・Energy and resource saving, and environmental burden reduction. Saving usage and recycling resources, and reducing the load to environment as much as possible.
・Protecting local society environment. Conducting commercial activities with conforming to the national and local legislations, and considering to maintain the environment in the area office located.
・Maintaining biological diversity. Understanding the ecosystem and biodiversity protection status in the area where business operated, and raw material/product procured. Making efforts to maintain and improve.